ChurchConnect Access Page
Welcome to our ChurchConnect page, where members can create an account and login to access the parish directory and family giving history, to set-up recurring donations and register for events, to volunteer for upcoming events, to fill out forms for sacramental records, and to join groups! Click the "Sign in" button in the upper right-hand corner of the page to get started!
Welcome Visitors!

Welcome to St Nicholas Orthodox Church! We are so glad that you are with us today! Please give us the opportunity to get to know you by providing us with your contact information, and letting us know of any needs you may have.
Livestream Link

Click here to be directed to our YouTube page, where you can access today's Livestream!
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St Nicholas Events

Online Giving
Use this link to make a one-time or recurring donation to support the ministries of St Nicholas Orthodox Church of McKees Rocks/Pittsburgh.
Mission Statement
St Nicholas Church will strive to glorify God through Orthodox Christian worship, sincere love and care for one another, and service to those in need around us.
God is greater!
Greater than your illness
whatever it may be.
Greater than your
deepest disappointment.
Greater than your
greatest worry.
Greater than your
worst enemy.
Greater than your
most difficult problem.
Greater than life.
Greater than death.
God is greater!
Believe it!
Live by it!
Affirm it!
Claim it by faith
and use it as a pillow
to rest your weary soul.
God is greater!
If your God is not greater,
then the God
you believe in
is too small.
He is not the God
of the Church.